What made you choose an apprenticeship as a career route?
I wanted to get my degree but didn’t want to go to uni. I got a taste of working in my gap year and knew that I didn’t want to not be earning a living. My apprenticeship has given me the opportunity to study, as well as learn in a hands-on environment.
What is your day-to-day role like?
No two days are the same! I know it sounds clichéd, but each day is different, and the range of tasks is vast. It spans from deep research into interesting subjects I’ve never studied before, to building and interacting with products for the business. Regular meetings and check-ins help to give wider business context and support in the apprenticeship.
What are the interesting projects you’ve worked on so far?
A new product for the business looking at remotely scanning radio frequencies, developing from a concept through to a working prototype.
What has been the best thing about your apprenticeship, and has anything surprised you?
I love how different each day is, and how I am made to feel part of the team. Everyone at Leonardo is happy to explain things I don’t understand, and this experience will give me a significant head start over my peers at university. I was surprised that I was given important work to do straight off the bat and wasn’t just asked to sit and listen, or make coffees. The hands-on aspect is amazing.
What has been your biggest achievement at Leonardo so far?
Developing a product from start to finish, that can be used by the company. It was very difficult, but I am very proud of the fact that I am making an impact already.
Would you recommend an apprenticeship to people looking to take the first step in their career?
1000%! For me, all of the benefits far outweigh the costs, and it is definitely a viable decision to make for further education.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about applying for an apprenticeship?
Apply to lots and apply quickly as apprenticeships don’t have the same deadline as UCAS – they will close the job postings as soon as they have enough applications. Make sure you take the time to reflect on the work you are doing and make sure you get as much value as possible. At the end of the day, you will get as much out as you put in, so make the most of the opportunity!