Developing our People

Leonardo’s growth in the UK has resulted from the skills, energy and dedication of our people. We are committed to equal opportunity and offering personal fulfilment through the highest quality education and development.

Leonardo’s growing national and international footprint offers real depth of capability – with over 8,500 employees in the UK and more than 53,000 worldwide, we have the global resources to deliver. By instilling the importance of engineering in younger generations, we nurture the talent of tomorrow and help guarantee our future business prosperity.

Looking to the future, we want reinforce our competitive position in the UK and its other markets. To meet this challenge, we offer an environment for qualified people with the will to succeed and a passion for engineering excellence to fulfil their potential and enable our company to stay at the forefront of innovation and technology.

Developing a consistent style of leadership

Leaders at all levels within Leonardo receive personal development training to enhance their management and motivational capability. The course was specifically tailored by external specialists, and is made up of five separate modules, which can take up to nine months to complete. The modules aim to produce a consistent style of leadership, and focus on developing motivational skills to improve performance at all levels across the business. Indeed, the programme was introduced in recognition that effective leadership will be the crucial factor to success in today’s competitive markets.

The modules are highly participative and mixed with learning activities that involve individuals and their managers. Training is provided both internally and externally, and there is 360 degree feedback at the beginning and end of the programme so that participants can track their progress.

Members of our senior management team play a prominent part in the final module, supporting and providing feedback to the participants. Upon completion, all participants receive a certificate to mark their achievement.


In Leonardo, we recognise that coaching is a powerful method for initiating change in others by unlocking an individual’s potential to maximize their performance and minimise their limitations. Our coaching courses are designed to teach Managers, Supervisors and Leaders how to utilise a range of coaching interventions and effectively manage the performance of team members by identifying specific needs and facilitating the situation to ensure team members take on the  responsibilities and actions for improving  their overall level of performance.

Training Capabilities

In many core markets our customers want to receive total capability rather than products or systems. This drive to have industry deliver more integrated offerings has given us the opportunity to apply the benefit of our investment in skills and people right into the centre of the market. Delivery of training is now a core capability which we offer into the market-place, either as part of an overall package or as a capability in its own right. To support this business activity around the company, we have developed an extensive infrastructure of classrooms, synthetic environments and teaching aids. This has also proven its worth as an aid to the solution design process, enabling us to constantly improve our service to the customer.

Springboard Women’s Development Programme

Springboard Women’s Development Programme

Springboard is Leonardo's Women’s Development Programme for those wanting to enhance their own skills and abilities, and challenge power and equality, while building confidence, assertiveness and a positive image at work and at home.

Navigator Men's Development Programme

Navigator is Leonardo's programme for men who are looking to identify practical and realistic steps to fulfil their potential. It encourages participants to examine their home and work life

Navigator Men's Development Programme

Women in Defence Mentoring Programme

Women in Defence Mentoring Programme

Leonardo is extending its commitment to gender balance across the defence industry by participating in the Women in Defence UK cross-defence mentoring programme, which “aims to champion female talent, encourage the sharing of knowledge and information across the sector, and help women to excel, thrive and succeed in defence.”

Empowering employee career development and growth through skills-based assessments

Following the successful introduction of aptitude-based testing to make highly skilled job roles accessible to a wider pool of people, Leonardo has now extended the method to support internal mobility and career development for its existing employees.

Empowering employee career development and growth through skills-based assessments

Life-Long Learning

Life-Long Learning

Leonardo offers its people continuous, targeted career development and training initiatives that aim to identify and nurture the best talent, while enriching the skills and competences of the entire company. Such programmes aim to boost the Group's key values and competences (Accelerate), nurture individual careers and support internal mobility (Job Posting), and transfer knowledge and develop professional skills (Faculty).