Leonardo Academy (Lincoln)
Delivering Information Advantage
As part of our dedicated facility for Electronic Warfare Operational Support (EWOS), our Leonardo Academy (Lincoln) provides customers with training on tools, processes and the operational context that ensure they can deliver information advantage and maximise their investment in Electronic Warfare systems including offensive and defensive cyber.

With more than 100 years' experience, Leonardo is a leading supplier of Electronic Warfare (EW) products and capabilities, with a deep understanding of the Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA) environment.

Our Academy in Lincoln offers academic (accredited up to Master of Science -MSc- level) and operational training and software toolsets for the UK’s Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support (EWOS) Centre and a variety of international allies including Brazil and South Korea.

At any one time, up to 150 students can be training at the facility, where UK and allied international armed forces can learn to master the latest techniques and equipment required for today’s electronics-driven battlespace.

The Academy builds upon Leonardo's heritage in Lincoln where it has been training and supporting UK Armed Forces based at the nearby Air Warfare Centre (AWC) at RAF Waddington, as well as visiting delegates from allied nations, since 2009.

Leading CEMA experts in the UK

Leonardo is well-equipped to deliver this training because we employ the UK’s most established community of experts in CEMA and are one of the main suppliers of such technology to the UK Armed Forces. This includes providing more than 60% of the avionics on-board the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft operated by the RAF and its allies, and delivering protective equipment and support for the UK’s helicopter fleet, including the Wildcat, Merlin, Chinook, Puma and Apache helicopters operated by the Army and Navy. As designers and manufacturers of the equipment, Leonardo is able to teach about current equipment and current threats, as well trends in technology and the future of the domain, keeping students at the forefront of future capability.

Mission Data Superiority

Crucially, in our capacity as a Eurofighter partner, we work with the Royal Air Force to support the mission data capabilities of international Typhoon operators, as well as other platform operators.

As part of the UK Partnered EWOS Programme (PEWOS) team based at the Air Warfare Centre in RAF Waddington, Leonardo works with the UK Government to create, develop and maintain UK-sourced EW data, which can be released on a government-to-government basis in support of exports. Importantly, the PEWOS programme can also deliver EW capability advice and training. All of this can then be used to form the basis of a sovereign mission data capability for partner countries.

In addition to understanding the operational aspects of mission data, our engineers lead delivery of the Typhoon’s Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS), so they can ensure that the aircraft’s protection stays up-to-date with the latest mission data as it flows in from theatre.

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Our Training Courses

Our courses are made up of core and elective modules, and can be further tailored for additional content on other relevant defence and cyber electronics subjects.

  • EW Fundamentals
  • Composition and Functions of an EWOS Organisation
  • EW Equipment Specific Databases
  • EW Mission Data File (MDF) Generation
  • EW MDF Test and Verification
  • EW Post-Mission Data Analysis
  • EWOS Centre Management Workshop
  • Mission Data Preparation and Verification Course
  • Software-in-the-Loop Testing Workshop
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing Workshop
  • Threat Vulnerability Analysis and Countermeasures Development
  • Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
  • Advanced ELINT
  • EW Database Management Systems
  • Emitter Parametrics Workshop
  • Analysis of Recorded Data Workshop
  • Open Source Data Collection Workshop
  • Electronic Order of Battle Derivation Workshop
  • Cyber Foundation and Advanced Courses
  • Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Foundation and Advanced

Electronic Warfare

Electronic Warfare

Leonardo has a rich heritage delivering Electronic Warfare (EW) technologies, equipment and training to combat airborne threats across the Electromagnetic spectrum. Systems developed at Luton and sites throughout the country, help protect UK and allied Armed Forces when they fly into combat. Tornado, Harrier, Apache, Wildcat, and Typhoon are just some of the aircraft our technology helped keep safe.

Job opportunities in Lincoln

Leonardo offers job opportunities at its Lincoln site covering a variety of job roles at all levels, including training specialists, engineers, electronic warfare experts, cyber experts, analysts and more.

Job opportunities in Lincoln

Discover Lincoln

Discover Lincoln

Apart from housing Leonardo's Training Academy, Lincoln is home to the famous Red Arrows, who can been practicing locally, while the city's medieval castle, constructed in the 11th century, is steeped in history with one of only four originals of the Magna Carta on display. Meanwhile, the magnificent Lincoln Cathedral sits proudly as the second tallest church building in the world.