Team Endure

Leonardo leads Team Endure, which is contracted by the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) to equip British Army personnel with digital protection against remotely-triggered bombs.

The team includes SMEs CommsAudit, Elma Electronic, Kirintec and Waymont Consulting, alongside defence experts Marshall Land Systems and training specialist EWS.

The technology will be deployed when Army specialists respond to civil emergencies around the UK in support of the police and other civil authorities. The new equipment works by scanning the airwaves for remote control signals that are attempting to detonate an explosive device and jamming these transmissions using advanced new digital techniques.

First deliveries of the new equipment, including vehicle-mounted and portable modules, are scheduled for autumn 2024. It will be deployed in 2025 by the British Army’s 11 EOD & Search Regiment of the Royal Logistic Corps – the specialist unit responsible for explosive device and munitions disposal.

Leonardo is the systems integrator for the new equipment, and will also be providing in-service support services to the MOD for an initial two years, after which there are options to extend the contract.