Patrick Duggan

12 March 2025
From Operations to Software Engineer

Patrick Duggan’s career at Leonardo began as a dimensional inspector in the Logistics Department, where he verified parts against engineering diagrams and company standards. While he enjoyed problem-solving across departments, Patrick always had an interest in software engineering. When he heard about the company’s Operations-to-Engineering pilot programme, he saw it as his chance to pivot into a new career.

The programme, launched by Leonardo in collaboration with WithYouWithMe (WYWM), aims to provide employees in operational roles with the opportunity to transition into engineering. Patrick saw this as an exciting opportunity to move into software or firmware engineering. and he eagerly applied, intrigued by the chance to develop new skills in a field he had long been curious about.

Patrick took part in WYWM’s aptitude and psychometric assessments, which helped him understand his natural strengths and abilities. The testing focused on cognitive skills, problem-solving and learning potential, providing insights into career paths he hadn’t considered before. The results showed he had the capacity to succeed in digital roles, further fuelling his interest in the programme.

"The results of the aptitude and psychometric assessments were really insightful, as they showed me strengths I hadn’t noticed and suggested potential careers I might fit into, ones I hadn’t thought of before. I also really enjoyed seeing how I could be perceived by others."

The next step was a “Culture Fit” interview, where Patrick had the opportunity to discuss his current role, the results of his testing and how he could fit into the programme. This conversation clarified his fit for the transition to engineering and gave him confidence in the next steps. The interview process was positive, and Patrick left with a clearer understanding of how the programme could help him grow.

Patrick has now started on his software training which will give him the opportunity to learn in both classroom and practical environments, setting him on a path towards a tech career that once seemed out of reach. This opportunity has not only opened new career prospects for him. but has also reinforced his belief in Leonardo’s commitment to him and his personal and career development.

His advice to others considering the programme is simple: "Take the leap if it interests you, as it offers a chance to explore new career paths and grow within the company."