Leonardo offers the STEM Returners programme to enable candidates to restart their career following a break. We recognise the skills and talent that these candidates offer and in return we provide exciting roles coupled with excellent support on some of our cutting-edge programmes.

STEM Returners is open to anyone who has taken any length career break, including those with relevant technical skills who wish to transfer sectors or industries to join Leonardo.

In addition to the experience gained from the work placement, Leonardo's STEM Returners programme provides additional benefits for returners, including mentoring, training, networking opportunities and peer support.

Successful candidates will join a paid 12-week structured return to work placement programme, following which, job offers may be made to those who have shown the necessary skills and aptitude for the role. This is not just work experience, but a genuine opportunity to restart your career with the right support in place to help you get there.

STEM Returners Development Programme: Stage 1

During this initial 12-week placement stage, Leonardo supports its returners in a variety of ways.

STEM Returners Development Programme: Stage 2

Following the initial 12-week stage, Leonardo continues supporting returners through mentoring and networking, learning and development, and professional registration.