Nicola Triggs

24 June 2024
Principal Project Controller

Meet Nicola, who has been a Royal Naval Reserve since 2009. She is a Petty Officer in the General Warfare Branch at HMS President, as well as being a Principal Project Controller at Leonardo. In March 2023, Nicola won the Gold Medal from The Fishmongers' Company (one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London) in recognition of her dedication as a reservist. Most recently, she led a group of Royal Navy personnel on a training programme in the Falkland Islands in May 2024.

I joined the Royal Naval Reserve in 2009 and I’m based at HMS President in London. I’m a Petty Officer in the General Warfare Branch, specialising in Seamanship and Weapons. Our role is to support the Royal Navy in Operations around the UK and worldwide, with responsibilities that include Ship's helmsman; sea boat coxswain; deck operations; and being a member of the Ship’s Protection Force at sea and in harbour.

I was keen on joining the Royal Navy full time when I left school, but life got in the way and I took a different path. I wasn’t aware that the Navy had a Reserve unit until I was 25 so, when I found out, I went along to a recruitment evening to get some more information and signed up there and then! I have a family history of sailors, with my Dad and maternal Grandad both having served in the Royal Navy. Their influence plus my adventurous spirit and love for the sea made it a no-brainer to choose the Navy over the other Reserve forces.

RN Reservists benefit from a variety of training including a lot of leadership, team building and fitness. When I joined, my branch specialisation was weapons, and I am fully qualified in using the SA80 rifle, General Purpose Machine Gun, Mini Gun, Glock Pistol, Heavy Machine Gun and Baton. It has now expanded to incorporate more seamanship, which means learning to coxswain a Pacific 24 RHIB (Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat), helm Royal Navy Warships and all the rope work that goes with taking a ship to sea. Everyone also receives First Aid, Firefighting and emergency procedure training. Having been mobilised, I also received additional Team Medic training in catastrophic wounds.

I completed my Leading Rate Leadership Course in 2015 where I achieved a Level 3 Certificate in First Line Management; and my Senior Rates Leadership course in 2023, gaining a level 5 in Leadership & Management.

Before joining the reserves, I was quite shy, and it has massively improved my confidence and the way in which I can communicate with people on all different levels. It teaches you the importance of respect, organisation and teamwork, which are beneficial in day-to-day life.

For me, the best things about being a reservist are getting the opportunity to be part of something worthwhile and gaining life changing experiences at the same time; the friendships and bonds made with oppos (opposite numbers); and getting paid to spend time doing something I love.

I mobilised in 2013, spending several weeks at sea on a Royal Fleet Axillary Ship on an Anti-Piracy mission as part of their Ship’s Protection Force team, made up entirely of reservists. We sailed from the UK through the Suez Canal to the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea, to support the Royal Navy operating in that area, whilst putting all of my training into a real situation.

My second mobilisation was in 2021 with HMS Spey for 18 months, where I was part of the original crew that took the ship out for build and was then deployed to the Indo-Pacific region. We had to go through a rigorous set of sea trials to ensure the ship and her crew were safe to be at sea for an extended period. Once passed, we were able to deploy, and I was lucky enough to visit many different countries before I returned. During the deployment, I was helmsman for the majority of the passage through the Panama Canal, and took part in exercises with different Naval forces including the United Sates and Fiji.

In May 2024, I led a group of seven ratings and officer Reservists to the Falkland Islands for some Initial Sea Time Training for two weeks. Going to the Falkland Islands was a great opportunity to bring trainees out to experience life on board a ship, and share some of the knowledge I have gained during my time on a Batch 2 Offshore Patrol Vessel. Not only did they receive invaluable training in a real world environment, but they got it in a place of important historical significance that many would otherwise not have the opportunity to visit. During our downtime, we had a chance to visit some of the battle site memorials, as well as see the diverse wildlife that is indigenous to the Falkland Islands.

Being based in London, we get excellent opportunities to represent the Royal Navy and the Reserves for ceremonial purposes, and I have been part of a Royal Guard for the late Queen Elizabeth II. I have also taken part in the Lord Mayor's Show and the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, and I appeared in the TV show “Ade in Britain” which features traditions throughout the UK.

Leonardo has been very supportive of my reserve commitment and give extra days leave for training, which is a big help, otherwise it could take an extremely long time to achieve trained strength. When I was mobilised, HR helped me sort all the paperwork, and my boss was very supportive. On my return I came back to the same role and a catch up session was organised to make it a smooth transition back in to the business. I would encourage anyone with an interest in joining a Reserve Force to go along to a recruiting event; you have nothing to lose!